There is a place for you here!
- A spiritual home?
- A place where you and your family can come to be challenged, changed, cared for, corrected and molded into His image?
We can't wait to meet you!
Building people who are laborers, settled, and loving.

Our Mission
Bringing people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and empowering them to be stedfast in the Word of God as they fulfill their God-given purpose and become resourceful laborers who represent Jesus Christ in the earth.

Pastor Sam Goodwin, the founder of Stedfast Christian Center, accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior of his life in 1975 while he was coaching at South Carolina State College in Orangeburg, SC. He preached his first sermon at Gilbert Memorial Baptist Church in Columbia, attended The Gulf Coast Seminary, and was first ordained by the Mt. Hebron Progressive Association in 1983.
Pastor Sam Goodwin received a vision from God on July 16, 1983, to start a ministry. Walking by faith and not by sight, Stedfast and Unmovable Ministries, Incorporated began in his home on September 20, 1983, in Northeast Columbia. Stedfast Cristian Center is the church that blossomed out of this vision when a small body of believers began to worship at Dent Middle School in Columbia, South Carolina on April 15, 1984.

God continued to bless Stedfast. The church moved from Dent Middle School to 1833 Columbia College Drive on January 27, 1985; on March 15, 1987, the Stedfast congregation moved into its present facility at 5200 Fairfield Road in Columbia. Pastor Goodwin was ordained by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price of the Fellowship of Inner-City Word of Faith Ministries in 1999.
Pastor Goodwin and Mrs. Fannie went to be with the Lord in April of 2020. The Goodwins’ youngest daughter, Valerie Goodwin, led the Body of Christ at Stedfast through its most difficult time. In July 2021, she was ordained and appointed the new Pastor of Stedfast Christian Center.

Pastor Valerie has served faithfully in the body of Christ at Stedfast for almost 38 years. In March 2009, she preached her first sermon at Stedfast Christian Center. Since that early morning call, she has ministered the Word of God under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Valerie is committed to allowing God to use her to shepherd the church to continue to build “people who are laborers, settled, and loving.”
The total vision of Stedfast & Unmoveable Ministries includes ministry for the elderly, unwed mothers, and disadvantaged youth. This is a teaching ministry that provides many opportunities where one can grow in the Word of God.